Slaidburn St, London, SW10

New Member of the MPC

I hope the new addition to the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Mr Ian McCafferty will end the debasing of Sterling by letting the British Government off the hock with their economic mismanagement with Quantative Easing (QE). QE has been a huge factor in the inflation...

Solicitors & Independent Financial Advisors

I disagree wholeheartedly with the suggestion in the following article that the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) is considering allowing Solicitors to recommend restricted advisors rather than Independent Financial Advisors...

The CII’s Exams For Independent Financial Advisors

I think the critique by OfQual is too harsh against the CII’s exams. Most Independent Financial Advisors have found the Level Four set of exam quite challenging and I am confident they will result in a significant improvement in the academic knowledge of the industry....