Demand For Savings

The following article is a negative piece of information which I think could boad an ill wind for the UK economy. If consumers are less optimistic for the immediate future they will spend less causing a contraction in demand...

See The RDR To Its Logical Conclusion

The FCA’s consultation on allowing cash rebates to continue highlights how poorly executed the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) was in practice. This matter should have been determined from the start of the implementation and not years later. This is particularly...

The Chinese Economy & Investing In China

The following article is an interesting read for people who are interested in the Chinese economy and investing in China. I have been very sceptical of the ability of the Chinese economy to continue to grow at rates they...

Gold Prices & Inflationary Expectations

The following article about gold prices and inflationary expectations is an interesting read. I hope the prediction that quantative easing will decline and that Governments around the world will get a grip on inflation. The...

Critical Mass

Following reading this article I hope the fund management industry starts using its powers to curb excessive increases in top management remuneration. The expense of senior management in UK quoted companies will make us...

The UK’s Savings Ratio

I hope the net out flows from M&G are limited to M&G and are not indicative of the investment industry. The UK’s savings ratio is far too low and needs to increase. In the age of relatively high inflation compared with the last 20 years those on fixed...