Greater Competition With Group Personal Pension Schemes

After reading the following article I would like to ask the question what is the point of the British Government spending so much on a new institution when the...

I Have Give Advice Not To Proceed With Initial Plans

The FCA’s warnings about interest only mortgage holders are a sad read. As I have written before that The FCA and its predecessor should promote independent financial advisors who are also qualified mortgage brokers. IFAs...

Preparing To Pay Even More For University Education

The following article is worrying reading for anyone with school aged children who want them to go on and have a University education. Preparing to pay even more for University education at an elite British institution in...

Rules & Regulations For Independent Financial Advisors

I do hope the Member of the European Parliament who was quoted as saying “We are hoping it is the high watermark of bashing for the finance sector” is correct. We have had to endure many regulatory changes few of which have really benefited the British consumer or...

European Central Bank On Standby

I hope the message from the European Central Bank that it is ‘on standby’ as quoted in the following article does not lead to quantative easing in the Eurozone that we have seen in the UK. As I have written about before the...

Equitable Life & Pensions

I was pleased to read that the Government has extended its deadline for claims for compensation for those people caught out by the Equitable Life failure. The pensions industry has been rocked with a number of problems and it is important that some of them are put...