by Richard | Feb 28, 2020 | Archive
The following article based upon research from Aegon is concerning reading The lack of income protection insurance in the British adult population and the...
by Richard | Feb 28, 2020 | Archive
The following article is an uplifting read. I am sure all professionals linked with the property and land market will be pleased. I hope this means there will be a sustained recovery and that it feeds through to the rest of...
by Richard | Feb 28, 2020 | Archive
The following article is great news for investors with some exposure to US investments, especially trackers in the US indexes. A note of caution the US Federal Reserve will have to reduce quantative easing at some point in the future. When the US weans itself of...
by Richard | Feb 28, 2020 | Archive
After reading the following article I would like to ask the question what is the point of the British Government spending so much on a new institution when the...
by Richard | Feb 28, 2020 | Archive
The FCA’s warnings about interest only mortgage holders are a sad read. As I have written before that The FCA and its predecessor should promote independent financial advisors who are also qualified mortgage brokers. IFAs...
by Richard | Feb 28, 2020 | Archive
The following article is worrying reading for anyone with school aged children who want them to go on and have a University education. Preparing to pay even more for University education at an elite British institution in...