The deadline for Self Assessment Tax Returns for the 2011-12 tax year is midnight on 31 January 2013, AND YOU HAVE TO DO IT ONLINE, unless you qualify for an exception. (The sole exception that HMRC highlights on its website is if HMRC sent you the letter, telling you to complete a tax return, after 31 October 2012. In this case the letter will tell you the deadline. Usually it is three months from the date of the letter.)rnrnSo if you have not already done it, do it fast! Don’t leave it until the last minute. You need to register to use the government portal and get a pass code. Interest certificates can be delayed in the post! And there have been occasions when the last minute high usage has caused problems. As with all online transactions, make sure that you keep a full copy and the breakdown of the figures inserted in the return, so you can verify both the filing and its correctness.rnrn This information is intended to provide a general review of certain topics and its purpose is to inform but not to recommend or support any specific investment or course of action. The tips may not apply, or be suitable, to everyone and you should contact us for advice if you are unsure whether this is the case.rn