I was pleased to read that Bank of Scotland has been taken to task for poor record keeping. As usual the individuals who are responsible for this poor record keeping get off without being taken to task. If the customers mentioned in the article had gone through a mortgage broker, the mortgage broker will have kept a copy of all the records for a statutory minimum time. At Wexdon Financial Services we keep our clients’ records electronically for many years just in case an issue arises. Our clients would not have been the victim of Bank of Scotland’s negligence. If you need a mortgage broker in London why not take up the Wexdon challenge to see if we can find you the best mortgage deal for your circumstances?rnrnThe article which inspired this article is http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/regulation/fsa-fines-bank-of-scotland-42m-over-inaccurate-mortgage-records/1059909.articlernrnThis information is intended to provide a general review of certain topics and its purpose is to inform but not to recommend or support any specific investment or course of action. The tips may not apply, or be suitable, to everyone and you should contact us for advice if you are unsure whether this is the case.rn