Will you lose out if you do not act by 30th September 2012?rnrnDeadlines apply if you want to contest a past refusal of NHS fully funded healthcare for a relative.rnrnThere is information on our website about Nursing Home Fees. A person in a nursing home may miss out on their right to request a retrospective review of their eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare if they do not register a claim before the deadline. If the person who required care has since died, a claim can be made by his or her personal representative(s).rnrnIn England, refer to the Department of Health website (http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@dh/@en/documents/digitalasset/dh_133053.pdf) for the cut-off for claims against PrimaryrnCare Trusts for wrongly paid care home fees.rnrnThe deadlines are:rnrn30th September 2012 for ANY claim which involves a period of care between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2011, andrn31st March 2013 for a period of care between 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012.rnrnThe claim needs to be registered with the relevant Primary Care Trust.rnrnWhere the primary need is a health need, then the responsibility legally falls on the NHS, even when the individual is placed in a home by a local authority.rnrnRegister a claim for a retrospective review of eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare before the deadline to protect your position if you think that you or a relative may have been wrongly denied NHS funding: if you don’t you are likely to lose the right to challenge. With the cost of nursing homes, real money is involved.rnrnThe problem is that the process can be lengthy and difficult. Specialist legalrnadvice is really worth its weight in gold. Look at the website for the SFE for those firms that specialise in this area http://www.solicitorsfortheelderly.com/members/search. rnDo not be afraid to ask if they do “no win, no fee” and the number of this type of cases they have done and their success rate.rnrnGood firms are likely to have a heavy last minute case load, so retaining their services as soon as possible is a good idea.rn rnThis information is intended to provide a general review of certain topics and its purpose is to inform but not to recommend or support any specific investment or course of action. The tips may not apply, or be suitable, to everyone and you should contact us for advice if you are unsure whether this is the case. rn