Today’s Blog

It was a pleasure to read the following article. I hope all of the co-operation from the various regulatory bodies is a success.rnrnThis information is intended to...

Today’s Blog

Following my observations and predictions on this blog the following article seem to confirm my negative opinions on house prices information is intended to provide a general review of certain topics and its purpose...

Today’s Blog

Some Non-georgaphical numbers can be very expensive for you to call. is a website which tries to help you find a geographical number so it can be included in your mobile contract minutes.rnrnThis is the opinion of Wexdon Financial Services...

Today’s Blog

I think Mr Obama could learn some lessons from JP Morgan rather than his administration placing yet more regulations on Banks and trying to teach them something. In a short space of time the head person has taken responsibility for the trading losses and I suspect...

The EU Making Mortgage Broking Harder

The following article is grim reading for young people and their families The article on the report did not mention all of the new EU rules which will make it harder for institutions to loan mortgages on private homes....

Today’s Blog

If a relative or a neighbour is a pensioner most local authorities will help them cross check if they are receiving all of their state benefits to which they are entitled and help complete the necessary forms. The Attendance Allowance is frequently missed by...