Agreeing With The FSA

It is rare that I agree or compliment the Financial Services Authority (FSA). I am not going to compliment the FSA but I will agree with a change they are making the pension and investment industry. The low medium and optimistic assumed growth have over the last few...

A Common Mistake By High Net Worth Individuals

I have always been confused why most high net worth individuals, most of whom would be successful entrepreneurs, why they would use the likes of Barclays Wealth with their High Fees. The figures in the following article show how uncompetitive Barclays Wealth is...

Expensive Non Geographical Numbers

I would like to lend my full support the Which?’s campaign to persuade the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to use its regulatory powers to prevent the use expensive non geographical numbers by FCA regulated companies. The large companies do not need revenues from...

HMRC Focusing On Something So Small

The consultation mentioned in the following article by HMRC is hardly worth the cost of the consultation. According to the...

Independent Financial Advisors & Travel Insurance

After reading the following article it is a wise precaution to buy travel insurance even if you have a European Health Insurance Card. Most travel insurance policies are not expensive compared with other types of...

Technology Will Completely Change Insurance

The following article on motor insurance is very interesting . Monitoring driver’s behaviour could be the answer to cheaper car insurance and improved driving standards. I for one have reservations about such personal data...