Banking Institutions Will Run Into Solvency Problems?

The following article is a chilling read for bankers I have written many blog posts on payment protection insurance (PPI) miss-selling. If these predictions are correct I...

Pensions V Other Investments

Buy-to-Let Investments have been popular in the UK for some years now. Articles like this one may persuade some people to invest in residential property rather than a pension scheme even a cost effective Group Personal...

Few Building Societies Less Competition?

It is always sad to read of Building Societies merging and therefore less competition in the market place. I hope this process, which has been going on for some years now, will not hurt savers with lower rates and mortgage rates with higher costs. As an IFA and...

Should Have Done More To Promote Group Personal Pensions

The following article is a rather depressing read . The number of people saving for their retirement in a pension scheme is at a recent low. The last Government was correct to bring in auto-enrolment. When private sector...