A Partial Victory

I laughed when I read the following article http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/politics/government-u-turn-on-pasty-and-caravan-taxes/1052150.article Even charging 5% VAT on static caravans will damage a British manufacturing success story. I hope the media keeps up the...

Another Observation On Investing in China

Anthony Bolton was a favourite amongst Independent Financial Advisors when he ran the Fidelity Special Situations Fund. His latest venture’s results at Fidelity’s China Special Situations Investment Trust have not been so impressive....

Public Finances & The British Government’s Budget Deficit

The following article is sad reading on the state of public finances and the British Government’s budget deficit http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/politics/govt-borrowing-higher-than-expected-in-july/1056599.article The lower than expected tax receipts are a sign that...

A Good Sign For The Mortgage Market

I am delighted that Virgin Money has started a process of securitisation for UK prime residential mortgages. I hope this is a sign that the bond market has confidence in UK mortgage lenders and British Banking institutions. I hope it will make my life as an IFA and...

Holding Banks To A Proper Standard

I was pleased to read the FSA is holding Banks to a proper standard. If customers are paying for a bank account with lots of features with insurance policies, it is a necessity that they cross check that the paying customer is getting good value for money and can or...

Industry Trends On Exposure To China

The following article is another industry professional decreasing their exposure to China http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/investments/cazenove-decreases-china-exposure/1055400.article . I hold a personal view that China is higher risk than is generally thought. If you...