Nearly every business has key men or women. What will be the effect on the business of their absence if they die or become too ill to work? “Key Men”, which includes women, can be a director, a salesman, the person who puts up the finance, a design guru, the IT Manager or a person bringing a product to market……the list is almost endless!
Will it be necessary to
buy in temporary cover?
Recruit a replacement?
Repay an overdraft?
Eliminate liabilities under personal guarantees?
Buy in lost expertise?
Take over a rival?
Deal with damage from lost ability to expand?
Cover loss of revenue/profits?
Fund arrangements to buy out a partner or the estate of a shareholder?
Also pay the keyman his salary while he is sick?
It can be complex to work out what level of funds will be needed and then put a scheme in place to protect a policyholder. We are here to help you deal with your unique situation. Our initial appointment is free of charge – no matter how long it takes. Even if you live in a completely different part of the country, we are pioneering SKYPE conferencing for IFA meetings. All it will cost is a little bit of your time. Give us a try: call us now to book an appointment to start the process.