A Holistic View Of Financial Planning

The following article is very interesting. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-22463650 Buy-to-Let enquiries have been quite buoyant over the past couple of years. I am concerned about two factors. First, that the increase in Buy-to-Let mortgage lending will make...

Greater Competition With Group Personal Pension Schemes

After reading the following article http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/pensions/nest-rival-hits-out-at-schemes-staggering-spending/1074557.article I would like to ask the question what is the point of the British Government spending so much on a new institution when the...

Rules & Regulations For Independent Financial Advisors

I do hope the Member of the European Parliament who was quoted as saying “We are hoping it is the high watermark of bashing for the finance sector” is correct. We have had to endure many regulatory changes few of which have really benefited the British consumer or...

Mortgage Brokers & Fraudulent Buy to Let Applications

I was pleased to read the following article. http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/mortgages/precise-mortgages-takes-action-against-fake-b2l-applications/1074729.article Precise mortgages are right to exclude mortgage brokers that have either mis-represented buy-to-let...