Declining House Prices & Investments

It was a disappointment to read the following article . From other articles I have read recently the average prices for London are increasing owing primarily to international investors taking a keen interest in London. My...

Mortgage Sale May Shake Mortgage Market Up

I hope the 10 Day Sale by Accord Mortgages encourages other lenders to offer short term rate reductions and really shake up the mortgage market and reduce the dominance of the largest players. In the article I read, it mentioned some interesting offers on fixed...

Solicitors And Independent Financial Advisors

I am delighted the Law Society has recommended to Solicitors that they should continue to only recommend Independent Financial Advisors to their clients and not recommend tied agents in the new regime. Only Independent Financial Advisors can guarantee to search the...

A Common Mistake By High Net Worth Individuals

I have always been confused why most high net worth individuals, most of whom would be successful entrepreneurs, why they would use the likes of Barclays Wealth with their High Fees. The figures in the following article show how uncompetitive Barclays Wealth is...

The Risk of The UK Losing Its Triple A Rating

I was disappointed but not surprised to read the following article I think there is a real risk of the UK losing its triple A rating from the credit reference agencies. Our high Government Budget deficits are simply too big...