Positive Signs For the Buy-to-Let Mortgage Market

The following article is very positive about the mortgage market and the buy-to-let mortgage market in particular http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20901112 All the new regulations from Europe and the fact that lending institutions are risk adverse after the banking...

Self Assessment Tax Returns For The 2011-12 Tax Year

The deadline for Self Assessment Tax Returns for the 2011-12 tax year is midnight on 31 January 2013, AND YOU HAVE TO DO IT ONLINE, unless you qualify for an exception. (The sole exception that HMRC highlights on its website is if HMRC sent you the letter, telling you...

Excellent News For The Consumer

I was pleased to read the following article http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/regulation/fos-amends-decision-wording-after-high-court-ruling/1063897.article The High Court has made the correct decision to allow victims of FSA regulated entities to pursue higher claims...

Paying For University Education

The following article has confirmed an observation I have made that the costs of postgraduate degrees and the devaluation of bachelor degrees will become a significant obstacle to social mobility. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-21357311 It is a sad fact that we...

Quantative Easing & ISAs

I have written many times about how quantative easing has been so adverse for annuity purchasers and people investing in income drawdown investments. The following article shows how adverse it has been for savers in ISAs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21341301 If...