I am not surprised to read that the number of pensioners still working is at a record number. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18422370 With historically low rates of return on standard annuities and income draw down being limited by the lower Government Actuarial Department Rates for Income Drawdown I expect this number to continue to grow. With all of the quantative easing depressing the yield on gilts even if an Independent Financial Advisor could find an impaired life annuity I suspect most retirees will be disappointed with their retirement income compared with their expectation during their savings during most of their working life. I hope this becomes a major political issue at the next election as it is very unfair for good people who have saved and sacrificed and deserve comfort in retirement. I think there should be special Retail Price Index Gilts for UK domiciled and resident persons investing in Income Drawdown or Annuities.rnrnThis information is intended to provide a general review of certain topics and its purpose is to inform but not to recommend or support any specific investment or course of action. The tips may not apply, or be suitable, to everyone and you should contact us for advice if you are unsure whether this is the case.